Archive for dryer repair

My Dryer Does Not Tumble

There can be many reasons that a dryer does not tumble, thankfully Paul’s Washer and Dryer Repair specializes in dryer malfunctions and are on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Read below for a list of Helpful Hints and Trouble Shooting Techniques to use when your dryer is not properly rotating. Dryer Not Spinning? […]

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Dryer Does Not Cycle Through

Dryer Does Not Cycle Through

Common Causes When a Dryer Does Not Cycle: Modern dryers offer an automatic dry time feature often for multiple fabric settings. When one is selected, the dryer automatically turns off when the clothes are dry. However, if your dryer won’t run these cycles or the drum spins yet clothes come out wet, you ought to […]

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Burning Smell In The Dryer

Paul’s Washer and Dryer Repair strongly suggests that when there is a burning smell coming from your dryer to immediately stop using it and to contact a professional. Burning smells in your clothes dryer can signify a simple, easily-fixed problem, or something much more serious. Important Dryer Fact: problems with dryers often start house fires.  For this […]

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My Washing Machine is not getting any Cold Water

My Washing Machine is not getting any Cold Water

When a washing machine is not getting any cold water, there’s no cause for panic. The seasoned experts at Paul’s Washer and Dryer Repair understand that when a washer allows cold water to enter the tub, the amount and efficiency depend greatly upon its make and model. Some washing machine’s direct cold water is used only during certain cycles. […]

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My Dryer is Taking Too Long to Dry Clothes

When Your Dryer is Taking Too Long to Dry Clothes … If your dryer won’t heat up properly, it’s possible that it is not being supplied with the proper voltage. More often than not, a dryer malfunction is brand specific. With over 30 years of trusted experience, Paul’s Washer and Dryer Repair are experts at servicing all of […]

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