Archive for washer repair las vegas

How to Choose a New Washing Machine

How to Choose a New Washing Machine

With over three decades fo hard-earned experience maintaining and repairing home appliances, Paul’s Washer and Dryer Repair are experts at knowing when it’s time to replace your washing machine and have the expert advice on what brand and model is best for you and your budget. Read below for helpful hints on how to choose a new […]

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Clothes Still Soapy after Washing

Clothes Still Soapy after Washing

Quite often we are asked about soapy clothes or white residue appearing on clothes that is noticeable, especially on darks, after washing. While this is a very annoying problem, there are generally three main culprits to consider. With over three decades fo hard-earned experience maintaining and repairing home appliances, Paul’s Washer and Dryer Repair has come across this issue […]

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Basic Dryer Troubleshooting Tips

Did you know that you could add years of life onto your clothes dryer by knowing some simple troubleshooting tips? At Paul’s Washer Dryer Repair, we pride ourselves in empowering our customers with the knowledge of when to call in the experts. Don’t waste money on unnecessary service appointments! By following a series of simple […]

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